The Little Book of Beyond Budgeting: A New Operating System for Organisations. What it is and Why it Works
It is difficult to think of a business process that is as widely unpopular, dysfunctional and discredited as traditional budgeting - yet over a decade after the creation of the Beyond Budgeting movement, many business people are unaware of its existence.
And many of those that have heard of it find the Beyond Budgeting ideas difficult to grasp because they have been conditioned by experience to think in a very narrow way about the process of management.
This book fills in these gaps in awareness and understanding by answering the question 'what is Beyond Budgeting?' in a clear and succinct way to help you make informed choices about the way that you run your business, as an alternative to blindly copying your predecessors.
The goal is to help build healthier, more adaptive organisations, better able to meet the challenges and exploit the opportunities thrown up by the modern world.
You'll get a PDF download of the book.